
Summer and autumn development project of Polar Star Travel

Summer and autumn development project of Polar Star Travel

Published on 18.09.2024

Polar Star Travel In this project aims to develop its summer and autumn nature-based activities for international target groups. The main product development lines are gravel road biking and wellbeing. 

During the project new market research is conducted. We will benchmark Central European gravel cycling routes and investigate the opportunities to develop wellbeing products for Italian and German markets. Sustainable development is at the center of the project, and the project aims to prepare the actions and guidelines for the international sustainable tour operator certificate.

A strong growth strategy is created. Both aim for significant growth during summer and autumn periods. The project explores the buying path of an international customer. The goal is to ensure an efficient and easy purchase path in digital channels.

Wellness Retreats in Lapland Finland, Biking Tours in Lapland Finland, Accommodation in Lapland Finland, Travel Experiences in Lapland Finland Polar Star Travel
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