Our story

We invite you to our home hills like a long-lost friend!

Welcome to the village.

Once upon a time, the first people came to this village of Sirka, surrounded by fells and waters, along the road marked by the North Star. They passed through the holy pass, like through a gate to the village, where they found a home under the shelter of Levitunturi and Kätkätunturi. In the village, Tietäjä's drum echoed from the fells by the campfire as the evening faded into blue. The scientist guided us to keep in touch with arctic nature, which teaches us to stop at its wonders, to sense and be impressed, to fall in love, to heal and to be empowered.

His drum called deeper into the magic of the arctic evening, towards the northern edge of the sky, where the North Star, the Polar Star, shines brighter than anywhere else. This is the brightest star, Stella Polaris. It is a cluster of three stars 323 light-years away at the center of the sky, at the tail of the Ursa Minor constellation. It gave people direction at the beginning of time

The people of Lapland have always lived in connection with arctic nature. He gratefully collects the gifts of northern nature. He still lives in connection with the sensitive and powerful nature around him. For people from Lapland, nature is sacred.

As our guest, you will marvel at the power and beauty of the surrounding nature, and hear the call to be part of something bigger than yourself. With Polar Star Travel, you can experience local Lapland, including its mystical side.

We invite you to our home hills like a long-lost friend! Welcome to the village.

Nayttokuva 2023 9 17 at 18:55:56 News Polar Star Travel

Summer and autumn development project of Polar Star Travel

With the project, Polar Star Travel develops activities for international target groups that take place in nature during snow-free time. The tip of the spear is gravel cycling (Gravel) and well-being. In the project, market research, benchmarking of gravel road cycling routes in Central Europe and opportunities to develop a well-being product for the Italian and German markets are investigated. Sustainable development is at the center of the project and the project

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landscape 1 News Polar Star Travel

Polar Star Travel has started a major development project — Polar Star Travel

The project develops snow-free activities for international target groups. The tip of the spear is cycling and well-being. In the project, market research, benchmarking and opportunities to develop well-being products are explored. Sustainable development is at the center of the project, and the project is preparing an international responsible certificate. The project seeks and aims for growth in terms of marketing

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team commitment limited News Polar Star Travel

Press release 15 December 2020

If you love you protect! Polar Star Apartments and Origo Apartments received the Green Key certificate today. The accommodation destination that received the certificate is committed to increasing the environmental awareness of staff and customers, increasing the efficiency of energy and water use, and reducing the environmental burden of accommodation operations. Green Key-certified companies can use it internationally

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image 20 News Polar Star Travel

Polar Star Nature

Lapin Luontoelämys will move under the Polar Star Nature brand. We invite you to watch our new autumn film, where there is a preview of our new autumn adventures, which we will carry out in the summer-autumn season 2021. Now let's enjoy the atmosphere in the film and next fall and summer we will have adventures together!

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Levi summer autumn nature header News Polar Star Travel

Press release: Lapin Luontoelämys will be acquired by Polar Star Travel on July 1, 2020

Heidi and Juha Jokela, the entrepreneurs of Polar Star Travel, will take over the appeal of Lapland's Nature Experience from July 1, 2020 and let Raija "Raiski" Palosaari spend her well-deserved retirement days. With the trade, the business activity, which has grown strongly, is more and more oriented towards nature experiences in Lapland's wonderful arctic nature. Transfer of Lapland's nature experience Polar

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Health sums News Polar Star Travel

The TerveysSummit Levi will be moved to autumn 2021

We have made the decision to postpone the TerveysSummit Levi event by a year. The new days are 18–19 September 2021. You are cordially invited to participate! We want every person to feel safe at Levi's event and not have to fear anything, especially not for their health. This cancellation hurts us deeply because

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